Thursday, February 27, 2014

BTS - That’s how we roll

Last night Todd and I were getting ready to head out for some chilly laps at west creek.

I was almost all geared up and realized I had left my knee/leg covers at home. Dang!
I was wearing full calf socks, but that still left my knees and about 1/3 of my upper legs exposed... So I desperately was trying to figure out how to repurpose any other gear I had. It was not looking good.

Todd rolled up and I explained my plight. Todd offered to go back to his house and get his spare warmers and I tried to decide if I could make the extra gear I had work. Todd realized my attempts would not work well and talked me into the idea of him driving back to his house and getting his extra warmers.

What a team mate! Todd made a round trip to his house and got his knee warmers and I got to ride in relative comfort. We knocked out several laps until both of us got really cold.

It's awesome to have such a great team mate and riding partner!

That’s how we roll on the Design Physics Racing team.

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