Saturday, April 4, 2009


I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone on the team know that we are excited to have all the new members and that we are looking forward to having a great year with a lot of sweet rides together... and I don't just mean on the BUS!



  1. Thanks Jason.
    I've been anxious to get on this team for over a year. Mike will tell you. I couldn't drop enough hints on our rides together!
    When Matt Harris said "Dude, Jason wants you to call him, to talk about a position on the team", I was stoked.
    As far as I'm concerned Design Physics is one of the most elite cycling teams I've seen. And I'm proud to now be a part of it.
    See you all out there.

  2. I just want to second what Brandon said. I am very excited about being a part of such a close knit and elite group of riders. Thank you for the invite. I look forward to the rest of the season.
