Wednesday, January 15, 2014

BTS #2 On the Road

Hit up a road ride with Jeffro, Jason B., Mason and myself.  We decided that heading out to Poco and hitting up the far side of the Monster Cross course would be a muddy affair, so a road ride from Rocketts was in order.  Since Jeff seemed to be the only one of us who has been riding regularly, he pulled the majority of the day.  I loved the time he pulled off the front as we were hitting a nasty headwind and Mason could not pull past him....  as he pulled back in, I came from the back and gave him some relief.  It was a gret ride, but I was definitely at my limit by the time we were done.  As we came back into Rocketts I stood to go up the last hill and sat right back down, I was cooked.  I really need 5-6 of these rides a week, but I cannot quite figure out how to make that happen.  We thought Jeffro was going out for some more, but once we got back, the french toast awaiting him had a stronger pull than riding his bike another hour.

Good times, until next time...   Jason

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