Monday, February 21, 2011

BTS# 15

Seems as though the double points week is already bringing out a few extra riders. Good stuff for sure. Todd, Jeff, Paul and I made it out for a nice ride at Powhite. The wind was certainly blowing the cold air in, but the rain held off and it never got to cold on us.

Look at the new bling to hit the trail for the inaugural ride. Sweet bike Jeff!!

Oh, and Jeff wants to know who the heck this Euro D guy is that has incredible shot up the BTS standings??


  1. Some dude who rides through left side portals of the flood wall down in the bottom instead of the right side ones and tries to crash you. Rumor has it that his road etiquette is a bit skewed as well...

    EURO for sure!

    There are signs of hope, though.

  2. Man, that Euro guy is a jerk!! Who let him on the team?

    Have fun on vacation this week Jason.
