Sunday, May 15, 2011

2011 Urban Assault

It was another great turnout for the Urban Assault. The team was very well represented with 14 riders racing.  As I was standing out at the entrance/exit to Forest Hill, I overheard a few people commenting on the team and the number of people we had racing.  It is nice to see and hear how we represent the sport. 

We also had some great results:
Jeff - 1st Sport (30-39), 1st overall Sport
Damon - 1st Beginner (30-39), 1st overall Beginner
Joe - 2nd Expert (19-29)
Dave E - 2nd Sport (40+)
Nolan - 3rd Beginner (30-39)
Jim - 3rd Sport (40+) 
Sonya - 4th Sport Women
Kylan - 4th Sport (19-29)
Tom R - 5th Expert (40+)
Paul - 6th Sport (30-39) 
Matt - 9th Sport (19-29)
Lisa - 10th Sport Women
Waiting for the race to start.

Jennie defending her title until she broke a spoke...

Sport Men

So many rider they were coming and going!

Paulito - one of the few to ride the drop.

New member  - Jim Fisher
Congrats to the entire team, we had a great showing!


  1. I love that first shot - great team comradery. And the shot of one going up, one going down at Reedy Creek is perfect! Had a blast myself on Saturday. Got to meet a few more team members and officially established myself as a pro sandbagger. My prize for which was a Bontrager frame pump. Wtf.

  2. awesome day! nice job everyone.

  3. Great racing everyone! I really enjoyed competing and representing with the team.
    Along the course there were several spots where we were getting cheered on and that hepled me push a that much harder and and stay excited.

  4. Awesome job guys!!

    `14 riders...can we beat that at Hilbert #2?
