Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cap2Cap Century

Now that I am mentally recovered from the century yesterday, there are a few people I have to thank for an extremely painful day in the saddle.
Fuzzy pictures courtesy of Joni, my youngest one...

We rolled out with a strong team showing of eight guys. Fred Wittwer and Christine Williamson rounded out our ten spot with Ed chauffeuring Steve Tolley. So we were eleven deep. It was the making of a great day. Brent picked his way up to the front of the start and we never saw him again. He finished in the top group of riders, which had around ten guys and a ride time of 4:39. Christine rode her first half century, so congratulations to her on that. Criag did his forst century, on his second road ride. I believe he finished in 6:18. Steve & Ed rolled in maybe half an hour after that.

I knew that I was in for some pain and I was punishing myself for not riding all year. I was not disappointed. I am pretty sure that was the most painful ride that I have ever done. I must have looked like death on wheels. My legs just kept spinning, but the lack of miles in them took its toll with signs of cramping around 80 miles in and a small cramp at around 97 miles. Todd waited for me and I proceeded to do the one legged pedal for a while. Cramp gone and on to the finish. More than physical, it was a huge mental game for me. The team rocked, though. They never let me drop off the back without someone hanging back and pulling me back up. I am super stoked to be part of this team and it was awesome to see how much of a team we really are!

I have to give a huge thanks to Greg, Kevin, Todd & Fred for taking care of me all day long, especially the second half of the ride. Greg pulled like a madman - all day long. I think he was on the front for the last 5 miles, me barely clinging to his wheel. We ended up with a 5:11 ride time 5:50 total and it was pure punishment. Not bad considering it was four guys towing a fifth all day long...
Thanks again guys!
On a side note, we got multiple compliments on our team throughout the day. From pulling a lot of people around (not just me) to our kits and our colors.

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